Saturday, 27 August 2011

Beholder of the Eye 4 is complete!

This was sent out to the printers last night, so hopefully over the next week or so I should have these soon! It's my biggest comic yet (48 pages) and contains lots of drama, action and other general craziness. :-)

I've booked a table for London Expo, so this are definitely going to be making an appearance. It is also available on my shop for those who can't make that event. Please look out for it! :D

Monday, 22 August 2011

Byrde Chapter 2

The concluding part to Byrde has just been printed in issue 4 of Non-Repro. It's a silly little story that was a lot of fun to draw about a hungry bird who's desperate for some food. Like before, it is accompanied by a range of other cool comics.

Please check it out. It is available to buy here now and at future coimc events.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Beholder of the Eye 4 is coming!

Just wanting to start a little hype for Beholder of the Eye 4 as I'm getting toward the end of it now. It's going to be a thicker comic - 42 pages - making it my longest one yet! :-O

I've been working hard on this, so please look forward to it as it should be ready in the next month or so. :-)

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

July London Anime Con - Complete!

So the London Anime Con went down last weekend... and it was really good!

It was one of my best days EVER for selling comics as many people were checking out my comics and buying multiple comics as opposed to single issues. o_0; You guys are awesome and I really hope you enjoyed what you went home with. I feel encouraged to work harder and get some new comics out there as soon as I can! (as laways I have plans...)

Thanks goes to Kam of CityAsia who is a far better salesman than me, encouraging people to browse my comics and help spread the word. It's totally worth checking out his website as alongside a sturdy range of Japanese import goods they also stock independant designer toys as well!

I'll be busy the next couple of months working on some new things. If you're attending Ayacon I'll be around if you want to say hi. I've not got a dealer's table but will most likely have a couple comics to hand for showing in the Artist's Alley. ;-) Hope to see you there!

Will update again when there's news to be told!