Yep, it's here and it's done. D.R.U.N.K. is finally in hardcopy and ready to be launched into the world!
The pitch: D.R.U.N.K. is a 23-page one shot story about a couple having a difference of opinion (or something...). The title is an acronym for 'Dangerous Rage Using Negligible Knowledge', which basically describes the entire plot, so to prevent the task of reading the comic itself completely pointless I removed the dialogue in the preview pages.
This title represents my maiden voyage into self-publishing, so I hope that the fun I had making it will come through to the reader. ^^
Here are some sneaky peeks!
Here are some sneaky peeks!

I intend to launch this at the London Expo in May at £2 a pop, so if anyone is attending the event please look out for it!
I have also added this title to my online shop:
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