Thursday, 31 May 2012

London Expo 2012 - Completed!

So yeah I'm almost recovered from this last weekend.  It was nuts! o_o;

Had some fun this time round, and was really happy and humbled to see so many people returning for newer comics.  Omnivore 1 found its way into the hands of a few people, as has Thief's Affair, and feedback and been very positive so far!

It's a slightly slimmer gap of 5 months until the next Expo, which I aim to attend.  With everyone wanting to see new comics from me (Beholder of the Eye and Japanofail as well at the new ones) I need to figure out which to work on in time for the next event.  Your enthusiasm inspires me, so I'll do my best!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Fox Tales in JCult

It's time for more new comics! :-) 

I may have some new stuff appearing on my own table (namely the first instalments of The Thief's Affair and My Lovely Omnivore), but I also have a new comic appearing at the Non Repro table in form of Fox Tales.

Fox Tales is my Manga Jiman entry from last year, made in collaboration with Rebecca McCarthy of Indie Manga fame.  Our comic is part of the JCult anthology and joined by several other Jiman entries, a bunch more original comics, artworks and articles, all of which are compiled into one big and juicy A4-sized tome.

Supplies will be quite limited, so be sure to check it out this weekend!


Thursday, 17 May 2012

My Lovely Omnivore 1

 This arrived this morning.  Time to reveal all!

My Lovely Omnivore is an action/comedy series revolving around a group of friends dragged into a world of consipracy, exploitation and underground tournaments - all of which take place at the local zoo.  Our heroes are up for it though, and will fight through anyone (or thing) to maintain their honour and friendship.

Volume 1 contains 4 chapters and runs at just over 100 pages.  It's my biggest ever release of comic material in one go, and am quite excited to see this one arrive.

A couple of previews and a photo are below, and it's available to buy here.  Please look out for it at upcoming events!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Social Media Bits

Becuase we are living in the space age of 2012, I thought it about time I made a Facebook page for my comics.  Feel free to hit the 'Like' button if you indeed like what you see.

There's also twitter which I've been on for a while and have added a feed on this page, but thought it worth a mention as well.

That's the media side of things done, as for the comics themselves My Lovely Omnivore is shaping up well and should hopefully be sent off to the printers within the week.  Will keep you posted. :-)

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

New series preview - My Lovely Omnivore

With London Expo about 4 weeks away now I thought it a good time to preview a new thing I'm aiming to have ready for it.

My Lovely Omnivore is going to be an epic series in both the action and comedy senses.  It's also going to be BIG!  To cope with the scale I'm going to be putting this out in bigger volumes with several chapters inside each book as opposed to single issue releases.  Needless to say I'm working like a maniac trying to get everything done in time.  There's still a lot of work to be done on it, but I'm encouraging myself (read: forcing) myself to finish it by announcing it publicly.

Wish me luck, and look forward to more previews of it as time goes on! ^_^