Thursday, 21 February 2013

London Super Comic Con 2013 Preview

So the London Super Comic Con is just a couple days away, and everything is ready.  Please check the map for as I'm on the opposite side to the majority of the Artist's Alley.  To help make the table a little easier to spot I now have a shiny banner which will be on display.  Looks much like this (exactly, in fact):

Also the new Cosplay Kerfuffle has since arrived from the printers, so it will definitely be making its debut this weekend.  I'll also have copies all of my other comics on hand.  If you're attending - come say hi! :-)

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Cosplay Kerfuffle

It's new comic time!  Cosplay Kerfuffle is a one-shot comedy about cosplay, cosplayers, and the risks these people take whenever they put a costume on.  It's 28 pages long, so there's not much else I can say without ruining the plot. ;-)

The comic is currently at the printers and should be arriving in time for the London Super Comic Con next weekend (Check the map - I'll be sat on the right side near the Panel Room!).  Please look out for it!