It was a lot of fun, probably the most fun I've had at an Expo since I started doing comics. The cost of energy, sleep depravation and general exhaustion was well worth it. I a lot of new people, but also a fair few who I'd met before and had come back for more of my comics. Thanks so much guys, I'll try to make the next ones even better! I'm doing my best to remember everyone, but alas the memory is already fading (along with the bruises, lol).
This time our table was shared with the wonderful Tammy Taylor who was selling her comics Microwavable Fox and Parafect and other bits. If you missed her this time I trust she'll be at other events in the future, check out her stuff!
Quite a few of my newest comics found their way into the hands of readers - I hope you enjoyed them. Japanofail, as always, came top of the sales chart. It seems to be what people want most and I'll do my best to oblige for next time. ^_^
Speaking of next time, I'm hearing that the next London Expo will be a bigger event, opening a day early! 0_0 Six months to go for an even biger dose of geeky goodness! XD
Thanks Ushio I'm mighty please with your minimalist portrait of me and my goggles. Thanks for letting me share a table with you I had a great time selling comics and dodging zombies, I hope we can do so again some time!