No big news, just a general update. :-)
I'm currently working on the pencils to Beholder of the Eye 3, so those who've been waiting to see what happens next to Chloe, Luthor and everyone else will (hopefully) be happy to hear that more is on the way. Unless things go off at a complete tangent, this marks about the halfway point to the story! :-o
Progress is also being made on one or two other projects, but until things are more confirmed there's not much else for me to say at this point... (so sneaky! XD)
I'm going into hiding from all the cold and snow of the winter, and will try and get some new things sorted that will come out next year. Here's hoping it all comes out well! ^_^
Such is the way of winter, but at least being forced indoors prevents distraction from more creative tasks ;) Best of luck with your projects!