Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Ellerbisms fanart

A few of you may or may not be familiar with his work, but Marc Ellerby's diary-styled webcomic Ellerbisms just hit a landmark of 200 pages. To celebrate, he put a call out for people to submit any strips, fan arts or anything else that people wanted to share.

I'm a bit of a fan of his comic, and we've met a few times, so did him a drawing for fun. I know Mark likes his manga, so I hope this slightly tongue-in-cheek tribute was to his tastes.
Not familiar with his work? Click here!
Expo's soon - I should have news about that very soon... ^^


  1. Adam Marshall (The Guy from Manga Club)7 October 2009 at 23:42

    Hey! I'm pretty amazed thinking that you uploaded this only about 1hr after I spoke yo you at the bus stop. I checked out your site that you wrote down for me, I must say that you need more than just 2 strips.
    Looking forward to seeing you at EXPO!

  2. Yeah it's only about 30 mins on the bus for me to get home (it's just the hour-long wait for it to come that kills...).

    Only 2 strips? O RLY? ^_~ Japanofail's been going since March I think and weighs in at around 40 strips - honest! XD

    Link's in the sidebar of the blog if that'd be better than using my dodgy handwriting maybe...?

    Thanks for looking in Adam, I'll see you there! ^^
