Thursday, 19 March 2009

The blog has a new header!

Only had this blog for 24 hours - time for another post then! Yay!

Had a dig though some old unfinished images and found one I kind of liked and BOOM, a header for the blog is born! Hadn't touched the image itself since 2007, it was only half coloured and full of weird curiosities in the layering (well, there weren't any! @_@;), so spent a few minutes filling some blank areas and working out how to resize it properly. Ok so I admit it was a bit of a rush job - but for now it serves its purpose to make this page just a little shinier. Not too confident in my colouring as I've mainly been focusing on my black and white work lately, but yeah let me know what you think! (Please be gentle lol!)

I'll try to resist doing daily posts from now on as things will quickly descend into pointlessness as I run out of things to say. Fingers crossed I can keep things interesting and hopefully have some fun on the way. I'll do my best in true shonen style, ganbarimasu! And now that's out of the way I'll try to never use romaji again...

Finally, if any peeps out there want to direct me to their own blogs of manga/comic drawing drop me a line. I've yet to really suss out how to find other people on here but it'd be nice to see what other people are doing!

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